Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
Introduction + History Announcements + Updates Alphabetical Index Chronological Index Geographical Index Topical Index + Cases + Types + Victims + Society + Research Resources + Research |
Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Child Sexual Abuse: Child Prostitution:
Types: Sexual Assault: [Site] A f r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Ghanaian History [Info] Nkwi, Walter G. »Prostitution in Colonial Lagos and Accra: Evidence from the National Archives Buea, Cameroon, c.1930s-1950s.« Vestiges 2 (2016): 89-109. [Site] Nigerian History [Info] Aderinto, Saheed. When Sex Threatened the State: Illicit Sexuality, Nationalism, and Politics in Colonial Nigeria, 1900-1958. Urbana 2015. [Info] Adesina, Oluwakemi A. »The ‘Girl-Hawking War’ in Colonial Lagos.« A History of the Girl: Formation, Education and Identity. Edited by Mary O'Dowd et al. Cham 2018: 225-236. [Info] Nkwi, Walter G. »Prostitution in Colonial Lagos and Accra: Evidence from the National Archives Buea, Cameroon, c.1930s-1950s.« Vestiges 2 (2016): 89-109. [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Costa Rican History [Info] Ramírez Hernández, Marcela. »Explotación sexual comercial de personas menores de edad en 1990-2005: Prostitución infantil en el Casco Metropolitano de San José.« Perspectivas No. 7 (2013): 9-44. [Site] U.S. History [Info] Rabinowitz, Paula. »"Not Just the Facts, Ma'am": Detectives, Social Workers, and Child Prostitution in Caroline Slade's Novels.« Legacy 16 (1999): 106-119. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Thai History [Info] Montgomery, Heather. »Understanding Child Prostitution in Thailand in the 1990s.« Child Development Perspectives (2015). [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] Belgian History [Info] François, Aurore. »From Street Walking to the Convent: Child Prostitution Cases Judged by the Juvenile Court Of Brussels during World War One.« Untold War: New Perspectives in First World War Studies. Edited by Heather Jones et al. Leiden 2008: 151-178. [Info] François, Aurore. »« Une véritable frénésie de jouissance… »: Prostitution juvénile et armées d’occupation en Belgique (1940-1945).« Revue d'histoire de l'enfance "irrégulière" No. 18 (2008): 17-34. [Site] English History [Info] Brown, Alyson, et al. Knowledge of Evil: Child prostitution and child sexual abuse in twentienth century England. Cullompton 2002. [Info] Brown, Alyson, et al. Knowledge of Evil: Child prostitution and child sexual abuse in twentienth century England. New York 2013. |